Minecraft Snapshot 24w07a Brings Bogged, a Brand-New Skeleton Mob
So apparently skeletons, wither skeletons, spider jockeys, and strays are not enough skeletons for the world of Minecraft. Yes, that’s right, the latest snapshot has introduced the new third mob forMinecraft 1.21, apart fromArmadilloandBreeze, and it’s a skeleton variant called Bogged! Well, I guess we should be happy it is not another spider. So, let’s take a look at the Bogged in Minecraft 24w07a snapshot right away.
Bogged is a new green skeleton variantwith honestly the best texture out of all skeletons. The funny thing is that we already knew about the Bogged when thetrial chamberswere introduced in a Snapshot a while back. Remember the skeleton with a poison arrow that spawned from the new trial spawners with mushrooms around it? Yes, that’s Bogged!
Bogged is a new hostile undeadMinecraft mobthat shoots poison arrows. You can fight it in trial chambers, where it only replaces the looks of theskeleton with a poison arrow, however, the functionality stays the same.
You’ll also come across this mob in the greenish and muddyMinecraft biomes, likeswamps andmangrove swamps. Though it won’t replace all regular skeleton spawns, similar to strays.
When the Bogged shoots you with their arrows, you get the poison status effect for 4 seconds. This effect behaves like a regular poison effect, so it cannot actually kill you. But, the direct damage from the arrow can kill you, so be careful while exploring these biomes in the new update. When you kill the Bogged, you’ll get the usual skeleton drops, such as arrows, bones and bows, but also poisoned arrows.
So, that’s our first look at the Bogged, a new skeleton variant added in Minecraft Snapshot 24w07a. Everyone wanted the plain poison skeleton to get a new appearance, so we are glad to have Bogged now. But why don’t you tell us what you think about it? Do you like it? Is it too scary for you? Let us know in the comments below!
Radojka Travar
I’m a gaming enthusiast with a strong passion for writing. My expertise lies in creating simple, to the point and clear content teaching you about various features, mechanics and community-based inventions related to Minecraft. In spare time, I love flying around in my Minecraft world and exploring stories of other pixelated games.
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