NYT Connections Hints and Answers for January 11, 2024

Thankfully, the NYT Connections puzzle for January 11 is quite easy to solve. However, if you still can’t solve it, then keep reading as we break down all the hints, categories, and answers for it today. With that, let’s begin.

Hint for Today’s Connections Themes

Hint for Today’s Connections Themes

Let’s begin with some quick hints for the Connections themes today. Check them out and see if you can guess any of them.

We wish we could go into more detail here, but these hints are the best we can share. They are all related to the categories for the puzzle, so think hard before you scroll down below to see the exact category names. We even think you don’t need an additional hint for today. However, if you still can’t find them and need more help, maybe thesetricks to solve NYT Connectionswill help.

Spoiler Warning #1While this section included hints for the categories, the next section names them directly. Only proceed if ready.

Today’s Connections Category Names

Today’s Connections Category Names

If you still can’t figure out the NYT Connections category names, then keep reading for more help.

We hope you can guess the words under each category now. However, If you still cannot and need more help, keep reading.

Spoiler Warning #2The next section includes the answer for today’s puzzle; you will see all the answers in their categories. This is your last chance to solve it yourself.

Connections Answer for January 11

Are you still stuck with the puzzle? In that case, the answers to today’s Connections are:

Even though yesterday’s Connections was something I couldn’t complete, today’s puzzle was the opposite. I started my journey by solving the Blue category the first. Actually, it was a friend who had hijacked my laptop and done it for me, but they’re the same thing.

I then moved on to the Yellow category and quickly got the states of matter quite easily. The Green category was the next, and I solved it like a hero, too. With only four words left, I combined them all together and got the Purple category and the NYT Connections for January 11.

NYT Connections Past Answers

We hope the answers above helped you solve the NYT Connections puzzle for today. However, if you stumbled here by accident, there’s a chance you might be looking for answers to previous puzzles.

Well, for such times and more, we have you covered. Feel free to go through our directory to NYT Connections for the last three days for all the help you need.

What about you? How was your experience with today’s puzzle? Where did you get stuck if you did? Let us know in the comments below.

Upanishad Sharma

Combining his love for Literature and Tech, Upanishad dived into the world of technology journalism with fire. Now he writes about anything and everything while keeping a keen eye on his first love of gaming. Often found chronically walking around the office.

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